Quest to Wholeness

with Claire Sookman

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Your Quest Begins Here

Have you ever felt like you were endlessly searching for answers but coming up empty-handed? If you're among the countless individuals grappling with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), seeking personal transformation, or nurturing your career ambitions, we understand your frustration. It's disheartening to explore multiple avenues for help, only to find that the guidance you need remains elusive.

Now, imagine the profound shift that can occur in your life. Picture waking up each day with an unwavering belief in your ability to heal, a deep-rooted confidence in your career journey, and as relationships thrive, barriers gracefully fall away, fostering authentic and meaningful communication.

Claire Sookman

Discovering Your Resounding Yes!

Am I worthy of the love, healing, and success I desire? A resounding YES!

Yet, life has a way of introducing those moments when nagging self-doubts and subconscious beliefs can profoundly affect our lives hindering us from fully embracing the love, healing, and success that are rightfully ours.

The path to unlocking your potential begins right here. Together, we'll confront these limiting beliefs, creating a space for profound healing and transformative growth. As we journey forward, you'll uncover a deeper sense of self-worth and well-being, paving the way for limitless possibilities in your career, personal life, and renewed health.

With each step, you'll witness a fundamental shift in your beliefs, propelling your career, nurturing healthier relationships, and fostering an unwavering belief in your ability to heal.

By the end of this journey, these transformations will go beyond surface-level changes, leaving you empowered, prepared, and excited for what lies ahead.

How do we do this?

Experience profound transformation through our personalized one-on-one sessions, where we collaborate closely with you to uncover and transform deeply ingrained beliefs that could be impacting your life in areas like relationships, health, and career.

Using the transformative PSYCH-K® process, we'll guide you in rewiring subconscious beliefs. Together, we'll pinpoint and replace the limiting beliefs that have held you back from unlocking your full potential.

Experience lasting personal and career growth, custom-tailored to someone navigating EHS challenges or embarking on personal transformation. Discover renewed purpose and inner strength, propelling your career and life forward with meaningful progress and fulfillment.

"The moment you change your perception, a profound transformation occurs within your body's chemistry, creating a ripple effect of change."

— Claire Sookman

Why Choose Us?

  • We have successfully helped individuals achieve their goals and transform their lives.
  • We understand that everyone is unique, and tailor our sessions to your specific needs and goals.
  • We can help you create profound and lasting changes in a short amount of time. Our clients have experienced significant shifts in their mindset, behaviour, and overall well-being.
  • We incorporate mind, body, and spirit integration to ensure a comprehensive and holistic approach to your transformation.
  • We are committed to supporting you every step of the way; our sessions provide a safe and nurturing space for exploration, growth, and healing.

Our Services

We offer a range of services designed to empower you on your journey of self-discovery and transformation. Some of the areas we can assist you with include:

  • Overcoming limiting beliefs
  • Enhancing performance and achieving success in your career or business
  • Improving health and well-being
  • Creating harmonious relationships and deepening connections
  • Addressing specific challenges such as anxiety, fear, or trauma

Our sessions empower you to become who you were meant to be. We’ll work together to help you restore your health, enhance your abilities to create abundance, and help you come home to your wisdom, contentment, and joy.

Career Transition

Career Transition

Imagine conquering your career doubts, breaking free from limiting beliefs, and achieving extraordinary success. With our personalized one-on-one sessions, you'll go on a transformative journey to uncover and overcome deeply ingrained, unconscious beliefs that hold you back. This will reshape your career mindset and boost your confidence, unlocking your true potential.

The best part? You don't have to figure out what's holding you back consciously because our process uncovers and dismantles subconscious limiting beliefs. Our commitment is to help you recognize and overcome any beliefs that might hinder your career success. Get ready for a transformational journey that will enhance your performance and lead you towards your fullest potential.

Which would you rather believe? First, here are the common limiting beliefs:

  1. I'm trapped in my current job with no way out.
  2. I'm too old to start over.
  3. I can't afford to take a risk on a new career.
  4. I'm not deserving of a fulfilling and rewarding career.
  5. I'm not resilient enough to navigate the challenges of a career transition successfully.
  6. I'll never feel financially secure enough to take the leap into a new career.

Now, instead of buying into those beliefs, would you rather embrace the following opposite beliefs? In doing so, you can reframe your mindset and become empowered to overcome challenges, achieve greater success, and thrive in your career transition.

  1. I am exploring new career paths with confidence and determination.
  2. I confidently embark on a new career journey, acknowledging my age as an asset.
  3. I am skilled at navigating the opportunities involved in transitioning to a new career.
  4. I am worthy of a fulfilling and rewarding career, and I am taking steps to make it a reality.
  5. I am resilient and fully capable of navigating a career transition successfully.
  6. I feel financially secure and confident as I embark on a new career path.

The impact of these beliefs on one’s confidence and overall mindset during a career transition is significant. Identifying and confronting these beliefs is crucial for personal development and achieving professional success. By utilizing PSYCH-K®, individuals can rewire their subconscious beliefs and substitute them with empowering thoughts, paving the way for increased achievements and success in their new career path.

Personal Transformation

Personal Transformation

Are you grappling with challenges in your relationships? Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to lead your best life?

Life often presents obstacles that can hinder your journey to reaching your full potential. These obstacles may manifest as limiting beliefs, such as "I am not lovable" or "I am not deserving of love," as well as self-doubt. Our process is skillfully designed to help you break through these barriers.

The outcomes can be genuinely life-changing. As you release the emotional weight of your subconscious limiting beliefs, you'll find yourself reaching a new level of confidence and self-empowerment. You'll embrace new possibilities, discover your true potential, and experience greater success in your relationships.

Imagine a life where you are no longer held back by self-doubt or limiting beliefs. Picture yourself thriving in your relationships, free to fully engage and connect with others.

Which would you rather believe? First, here are the common limiting beliefs:

  1. I'm not worthy of love or affection.
  2. I'm destined to repeat the same relationship patterns.
  3. I'm too damaged for anyone to truly love me.
  4. I'll never find someone who truly understands me.
  5. I'm better off alone because I'll only get hurt.
  6. I'll never be able to trust anyone after being betrayed.

Now, instead of buying into those limiting beliefs, wouldn’t you rather embrace the following empowering beliefs? By doing so, you can reframe your mindset and unlock your true potential to overcome challenges, experience profound joy, abundance, and achieve remarkable success.

  1. I deserve love and affection.
  2. I'm creating deep connections, embracing growth, and welcoming transformation.
  3. I am lovable and deserving of love.
  4. I attract understanding and acceptance from others.
  5. I nurture fulfilling and healthy relationships.
  6. I open myself to trust and create meaningful bonds.

These limiting beliefs can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem, personal growth, and overall happiness. Overcoming these beliefs and replacing them with empowering thoughts is crucial for unleashing one’s full potential. PSYCH-K® can be effective in identifying and transforming these limiting beliefs into positive affirmations, empowering individuals to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

We deeply understand and empathize with the impact that EHS has on a person's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The constant exposure to EMF can generate significant discomfort, distress, and limitations that affect your ability to live life to the fullest.

Our process is specifically designed to provide benefits for individuals fields. living with EHS. Through our process, we can assist you in identifying and releasing limiting beliefs and fears that surround EHS. These may include feelings of powerlessness, the belief that you are destined to live with EHS related challenges, or even a fear of constant vulnerability to electromagnetic fields.

We know how difficult it is to navigate the world when you have EHS. These practices are designed with understanding and truly recognize the impact this has on your life. As you actively engage in our practices, you will experience a profound sense of calmness and relief as your nervous system calms down.  We will hold a sacred space for your healing, believing in your resilience and guiding you toward emotional well-being, restoring harmony, and nurturing a profound connection with yourself.

Which would you rather believe? First, here are the common limiting beliefs:

  1. EHS has permanently stolen my quality of life, and I'll never get it back.
  2. No matter what I try, I'll never find relief or healing from EHS.
  3. Even if others have overcome EHS, I'm convinced I'll never be one of them.
  4. The damage caused by EHS is irreversible, and I'll never experience true wellness again.
  5. I'm isolated and alone in my suffering, with no one to truly understand.
  6. I'm living a life of isolation, unable to participate in the activities that used to bring me joy.

These limiting beliefs can have a significant impact on individuals with EHS, affecting their overall well-being and quality of life. Instead of subscribing to those beliefs, why not embrace the following empowering beliefs instead? By doing so, you can shift your mindset, empowering yourself to conquer EHS challenges, attain newfound freedom, experience enhanced health, and enjoy an overall increase in well-being.

  1. I am actively reclaiming my quality of life from EHS, knowing that healing is possible.
  2. I am open to exploring various avenues for relief and healing from EHS, trusting that solutions exist.
  3. I believe in my ability to overcome EHS just like others have.
  4. I am on a path towards true wellness, understanding that my body has the capacity to heal.
  5. I am connected with a supportive community that understands and supports me.
  6. I engage in fulfilling activities that bring me joy and nourish my well-being.

PSYCH-K® can help people with EHS reframe their beliefs, enhance their resilience, and open new possibilities for managing and coping with their condition.

Are you experiencing any of these challenges?


“After struggling with EHS for 5 years and holding onto the limiting belief that I could never get better, that my life would never be the same, I took a chance on a three-month transformative program. Through the process of uncovering my subconscious beliefs, I've experienced a profound transformation.

The program altered my beliefs about my ability to heal and significantly reduced my stress and anxiety about never getting better. I even started attending events without the intense fear of becoming ill. Today, I genuinely believe I will fully heal, and I couldn't be more grateful for the positive changes it has brought to my life. Thank you for this life-changing experience.”


New Haven, CT

I wanted to share my experience with the remarkable journey I've had in addressing my limiting beliefs through this transformative process. For the longest time, I carried the heavy burden of never feeling loved or lovable.

Through the process of delving into my subconscious beliefs, I experienced a transformation that words can't fully capture. This transformative process allowed me to release those long-held beliefs and embrace a newfound sense of self-worth.

Today, my outlook on life and my self-esteem have undergone a profound shift, and I now know that I am worthy of love. I am immensely grateful for this life-changing experience."


Scottsdale, Arizona

“Thank you for changing my life and saving my marriage. Before I joined the program, I was on the brink of losing both my job and my relationship. I was skeptical about investing three months of my time and money, but I took the leap, and it turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. This program has truly transformed my life. My self-esteem and my confidence is at an all-time high. I can’t thank you enough!”


Kingston, ON

“I would like to thank Claire Sookman for these incredible sessions. I have been running my own business for the last 15 years and have been a successful salesperson for more than 30 years. Covid hit, and it did financial damage to me, my personal life, and my company. With Claire’s intuitive guidance, and positive reinforcement of my core beliefs about myself, and my business, I can once again look forward to growing my business and my personal life. I would recommend Claire to anyone that needs these services.”

Randy Weinzweig

President, SBW Sales

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Our programs are specifically designed to bring about the profound personal growth that you are seeking. They are not a one-size-fits-all approach; they are deeply personalized experiences that meet you where you are and empower you to reach new heights.

Focused Transformation

Experience the power of our transformation method with a single session designed to address one specific area of focus. This option is perfect for those seeking a targeted and focused approach to address immediate concerns.

Intensive Empowerment

Delve deeper into your transformational journey with three sessions. This package allows for a more comprehensive exploration of your goals and challenges, providing ample time for profound shifts and lasting change.

Breakthrough Journey

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation with our five-session package. Through these immersive sessions, you'll explore your limiting beliefs, break free from old patterns, and unlock your true potential. You'll navigate the challenges and obstacles that have held you back, paving the way for personal growth, empowerment, and lasting change. This comprehensive package provides the support and guidance necessary for a breakthrough journey toward a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Are you ready to step into your power and embrace a transformative experience that can truly change your life?

Ascension Adventure

Are you in pursuit of a life that genuinely reflects your authentic self and fulfills your innermost desires? If so, our 3-month intensive PSYCH-K®  program is specifically designed to bring about the profound personal growth that you are seeking. Our program is a deeply personalized experience that meets you where you are and empowers you to reach new heights.

Over the course of 12 sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, you will have the opportunity to experience profound shifts, incredible growth, and lasting change. This extended program offers a deep exploration of your limiting beliefs, enabling you to release old patterns and unlock your true potential. With consistent support and guidance, you will build momentum, cultivate resilience, and create a solid foundation for personal transformation that extends beyond the duration of the program. Invest in yourself and commit to an experience that will impact your life in meaningful ways.


Unmasking the Hidden Dangers: The Overlooked Link Between Gabapentin, Heavy Metals, and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)

Gabapentin, prescribed to millions for nerve pain, seizures, and off-label uses, has long been hailed as a "safe" option for those with chronic conditions. But behind the promises of relief lies a growing concern for those who unknowingly find themselves trapped in a cycle of worsening symptoms. Emerging evidence and personal experiences are shedding light on a deeply troubling connection: Gabapentin's role in exacerbating Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), especially when combined with heavy metal toxicity.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, a condition where exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from everyday devices like phones and Wi-Fi leads to debilitating physical reactions, is on the rise. For those taking Gabapentin, the drug's impact on the nervous system and calcium channels may be silently making this condition far worse. And when you add the effects of heavy metals in the body, the situation becomes even more dire.

Gabapentin's effect on the brain is rooted in its ability to modulate voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which regulate how cells communicate and react to external stimuli. Calcium channels are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, but when interfered with, they can make the body hypersensitive to its surroundings, including electromagnetic fields.

Heavy metals, such as mercury and aluminum, also interfere with calcium channels, further destabilizing the nervous system. The accumulation of heavy metals can exacerbate neurological symptoms, creating an environment where the body is even more reactive to EMFs. For individuals with EHS, the combined effects of Gabapentin and heavy metals can create a perfect storm of heightened sensitivity and worsening symptoms. In my case, heavy metal toxicity added another layer to the battle with Gabapentin and EHS, further amplifying my symptoms and making recovery even more challenging.

My Story: A Shocking Revelation

I was on Gabapentin for close to 35 years, originally prescribed for absence seizures that I later discovered I didn't have. Every doctor I saw asked why I was on Gabapentin, but none ever suggested I come off it—even when it became clear there was no valid reason to be on it. I was reassured that it was a harmless drug, and I believed it—until I started to connect the dots.

For years, I battled brain fog, tingling in my limbs, extreme fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia. My sensitivity to EMFs worsened dramatically over time. Adding to this, I was diagnosed with heavy metal toxicity, which made my nervous system even more vulnerable. The combination of Gabapentin's interference with calcium channels and the buildup of heavy metals created an environment where my body was constantly on edge, reacting severely to EMFs.

I spent countless hours looking for answers, but it wasn't until just a year ago that I realized the truth: Gabapentin, combined with the effects of heavy metals, was responsible for much of my suffering.

The Unseen Danger: Why So Many Are Left in the Dark

The real tragedy is that my experience isn't unique. Many individuals with EHS who take Gabapentin for unrelated conditions find themselves battling a similar invisible enemy. Doctors, trained to view Gabapentin as safe, often overlook the potential for the drug to worsen conditions like EHS. When heavy metals are also involved, the nervous system is left even more compromised. Despite this, few doctors recommend discontinuation, leaving patients to suffer in silence.

The interference with calcium channels isn't just a minor side effect—it's a fundamental disruption to how the nervous system processes the world. For those of us sensitive to EMFs and dealing with heavy metal toxicity, this disruption can mean the difference between managing our symptoms and being overwhelmed by them.

As more people discover the hidden link between Gabapentin, heavy metal toxicity, and EHS, it's crucial to raise awareness about the dangers of long-term use. For those already sensitive to EMFs, Gabapentin may worsen symptoms in ways that are both difficult to identify and difficult to explain. If you're on Gabapentin and struggling with unexplained fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, or increased sensitivity to EMFs, it's time to question whether the drug and possibly heavy metals might be part of the problem.

Understanding this connection can be the first step in reclaiming control over your health. The journey off Gabapentin is challenging, but by addressing this silent disruptor and dealing with heavy metal detoxification, there's hope for those dealing with both the horrors of EHS and the long-term effects of Gabapentin.

The truth is, the solution to your worsening symptoms might not be more medication or a new diagnosis—it might be the one pill you've been taking for years, compounded by the silent buildup of heavy metals in your system.

September 14, 2024
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11 Essential Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure from Your Cell Phone

Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, but their convenience comes with hidden dangers that many people overlook. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by cell phones can pose serious long-term health risks. I recently met a woman whose story deeply impacted me. She used to hold her phone to her ear during calls, and over time, she developed cancer near that area. After surgery to remove the cancer, she was left with a scar—a constant reminder of how serious these risks can be.

Her experience isn’t unique, and it serves as a wake-up call to all of us. Prolonged cell phone use, especially when held close to the body, can have dangerous consequences. While we can’t completely avoid using our phones, we can take steps to protect ourselves. Below are 11 practical tips that can help you reduce EMF exposure while still enjoying the benefits of modern technology.

  1. Keep your phone on airplane mode and cellular/Wi-Fi off whenever you’re not using it. Even if the phone is off but nearby, it’s still searching for networks and emitting EMFs. Keeping it on airplane mode or in another room when not in use is a simple way to minimize exposure.
  2. Keep your phone at least 5mm away from your body. Holding your phone against your body, whether in a pocket or during calls, increases radiation exposure. Make it a habit to keep your phone at a safe distance.
  3. Avoid holding your phone to your ear. Holding your phone directly to your ear during calls can significantly increase your EMF exposure. Use speakerphone or a wired headset instead.
  4. Be cautious when using earbuds. Bluetooth earbuds expose your brain to constant radiation. Consider switching to wired alternatives or using the speakerphone feature whenever possible.
  5. Turn off push notifications. Push notifications cause your phone to emit frequent bursts of radiation. By turning off unnecessary notifications, you reduce how often your phone emits EMFs throughout the day.
  6. Avoid using your phone while holding a child. Children are particularly vulnerable to EMF radiation because their bodies and brains are still developing. To protect them, avoid using your phone while holding or carrying them.
  7. Switch to airplane mode in cars. When traveling in a car, your phone works harder to connect to cell towers, increasing radiation. To minimize this, put your phone on airplane mode while driving.
  8. Use speakerphone for calls. Instead of holding the phone against your body during calls, use the speakerphone feature. Keeping your phone further away significantly reduces your exposure to EMFs.
  9. Avoid using your phone while charging. Phones emit more radiation while charging, so avoid using your phone while it’s plugged in. Let it charge without interaction to minimize exposure.
  10. Avoid using your phone in enclosed metal spaces, like elevators or metal rooms, as this forces it to work harder to maintain a connection, increasing radiation. Limit phone use in these spaces.
  11. Use airplane mode when streaming or downloading. Once the media has loaded, putting your phone on airplane mode reduces the radiation emitted while still allowing you to enjoy entertainment.

The story of the woman with cancer near her ear underscores just how critical it is to take the potential risks of EMF exposure seriously. We rely on our phones daily, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use them wisely. Simple changes, like those outlined above, can make a significant difference in reducing your EMF exposure and protecting your health. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take action—your health is too important.

October 9, 2024
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Rethinking Smart Technology: When "Smart" Becomes Reckless

We live in an age where "smart" devices are everywhere—smartphones, smartwatches, and now even smart glasses. These gadgets promise to enhance our lives, but the hidden risks they carry with them raise a serious question: are they really as smart as we think?

With smartphones glued to our faces and smart glasses sitting directly on our heads, we're exposing ourselves to ongoing doses of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, similar to voluntarily subjecting ourselves to low-level X-rays. The irony is hard to miss—what we call "smart" may, in fact, be one of the most dangerous and careless decisions we're making for our health.

From "Smart" to Dangerous: The Problem with RF Exposure

Did you know that all iPhones and many other phones come with a built-in warning that instructs users to keep their device at least 5 mm away from the body to avoid exceeding RF exposure limits? It's right there on your phone—along with the dangers of radiation exposure from smart devices—but how many of us ever take the time to look? The manufacturers are required to provide this information, but it's often hidden in settings or safety manuals.

The dangers of RF exposure are not speculative; many studies have raised serious concerns, including links to sleep disruption, headaches, anxiety, and possible long-term neurological effects. More alarmingly, there is strong evidence suggesting that prolonged RF exposure may increase the risk of cancer. The risks are real, and we must take them seriously.

For more information on the potential dangers of RF exposure, take a moment to watch this important video: How to Reduce Exposure to Radiation from Your Phone. It provides further insight into the hidden risks we face every day with our "smart" devices.

When we dismiss these warnings, we're taking unnecessary risks with our health and the health of those around us. Is the convenience of these devices worth the long-term consequences?

You're Not Just Exposing Yourself—You're Affecting the Ones You Love

Think about this: when you're tucking your child into bed, reading them a bedtime story with your smart glasses on, your iWatch buzzing, and your phone resting nearby, you're not just enjoying a quiet moment. You're emitting RF radiation directly onto your child.

Then, when you head into your bedroom, turn on your reading light, and place your phone and smartwatch on the nightstand, the radiation doesn't stop—it's still there, filling the room, affecting both you and anyone sharing the space.

Ask yourself: Should I be doing this?

Imagine hugging your elderly parent, who may already be dealing with health issues. As you hold them close, your phone is in your pocket, your smartwatch strapped to your wrist, and your smart glasses resting on your head. You're unknowingly exposing them to RF radiation—something their compromised health may not be able to handle.

These aren't just isolated moments. These are everyday actions, where our constant use of "smart" devices means we are regularly emitting radiation, not just onto ourselves, but onto the people we care about most—our children, our partners, our aging parents.

Rethink Your Tech Habits

It's time to rethink our choices. The next time you reach for your smartphone or don your smart glasses, ask yourself: Is it worth the risk? Would you willingly hold a low-dose X-ray machine to your head every day? If not, then reconsider the way you use your tech.

These devices are powerful tools, but that doesn't mean they should become extensions of our bodies. Let's be smarter about how we use them, for the sake of our health—and our future.

And remember, you're not just making a decision for yourself. You're making a choice that affects the people around you.  In the race to stay connected, let's not disconnect from the most important thing of all—our well-being.

September 14, 2024
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Now Available!

From Sensitivity to Resilience:

Coping Strategies for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Within these pages, you will discover a heartfelt exploration into the world of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a condition that remains enigmatic to so many. Through the lens of Claire Sookman's personal journey, this book delves deep into the emotional and physical landscapes of EHS, capturing the essence of struggle, hope, and eventual triumph. It's a narrative that resonates with the raw emotions of living with a condition that's often misunderstood, highlighting the profound impact it can have on one's daily life.

Learn more
Take the First Step

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation. During this conversation, we'll discuss your goals, answer any questions you may have, and determine the best approach to support your growth and transformation.

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