
“Thank you for changing my life and saving my marriage. Before I joined the program, I was on the brink of losing both my job and my relationship. I was skeptical about investing three months of my time and money, but I took the leap, and it turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. This program has truly transformed my life. My self-esteem and my confidence is at an all-time high. I can’t thank you enough!”



Kingston, ON

“After struggling with EHS for 5 years and holding onto the limiting belief that I could never get better, that my life would never be the same, I took a chance on a three-month transformative program. Through the process of uncovering my subconscious beliefs, I've experienced a profound transformation.

The program altered my beliefs about my ability to heal and significantly reduced my stress and anxiety about never getting better. I even started attending events without the intense fear of becoming ill. Today, I genuinely believe I will fully heal, and I couldn't be more grateful for the positive changes it has brought to my life. Thank you for this life-changing experience.”



New Haven, CT

“I would like to thank Claire Sookman for these incredible sessions. I have been running my own business for the last 15 years and have been a successful salesperson for more than 30 years. Covid hit, and it did financial damage to me, my personal life, and my company. With Claire’s intuitive guidance, and positive reinforcement of my core beliefs about myself, and my business, I can once again look forward to growing my business and my personal life. I would recommend Claire to anyone that needs these services.”

Randy Weinzweig


President, SBW Sales

“All I can say is...wow! I had never tried Psych-K before but working with Claire has been a truly eye-opening experience. Claire's natural intuition and enthusiasm for the process has allowed me to achieve many insights into my own beliefs while simultaneously finding the Psych-K balances surprisingly fun and enjoyable to do. I'm looking forward to exploring more with Claire and Psych-K!”

Renu Arora


I wanted to share my experience with the remarkable journey I've had in addressing my limiting beliefs through this transformative process. For the longest time, I carried the heavy burden of never feeling loved or lovable.

Through the process of delving into my subconscious beliefs, I experienced a transformation that words can't fully capture. This transformative process allowed me to release those long-held beliefs and embrace a newfound sense of self-worth.

Today, my outlook on life and my self-esteem have undergone a profound shift, and I now know that I am worthy of love. I am immensely grateful for this life-changing experience."



Scottsdale, Arizona

Take the First Step

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation. During this conversation, we'll discuss your goals, answer any questions you may have, and determine the best approach to support your growth and transformation.

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