Silent Waves, Serious Threats: The Hidden Health Impact of EMFs
11 Essential Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure from Your Cell Phone
Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, but their convenience comes with hidden dangers that many people overlook. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by cell phones can pose serious long-term health risks. I recently met a woman whose story deeply impacted me. She used to hold her phone to her ear during calls, and over time, she developed cancer near that area. After surgery to remove the cancer, she was left with a scar—a constant reminder of how serious these risks can be.
Her experience isn’t unique, and it serves as a wake-up call to all of us. Prolonged cell phone use, especially when held close to the body, can have dangerous consequences. While we can’t completely avoid using our phones, we can take steps to protect ourselves. Below are 11 practical tips that can help you reduce EMF exposure while still enjoying the benefits of modern technology.
- Keep your phone on airplane mode and cellular/Wi-Fi off whenever you’re not using it. Even if the phone is off but nearby, it’s still searching for networks and emitting EMFs. Keeping it on airplane mode or in another room when not in use is a simple way to minimize exposure.
- Keep your phone at least 5mm away from your body. Holding your phone against your body, whether in a pocket or during calls, increases radiation exposure. Make it a habit to keep your phone at a safe distance.
- Avoid holding your phone to your ear. Holding your phone directly to your ear during calls can significantly increase your EMF exposure. Use speakerphone or a wired headset instead.
- Be cautious when using earbuds. Bluetooth earbuds expose your brain to constant radiation. Consider switching to wired alternatives or using the speakerphone feature whenever possible.
- Turn off push notifications. Push notifications cause your phone to emit frequent bursts of radiation. By turning off unnecessary notifications, you reduce how often your phone emits EMFs throughout the day.
- Avoid using your phone while holding a child. Children are particularly vulnerable to EMF radiation because their bodies and brains are still developing. To protect them, avoid using your phone while holding or carrying them.
- Switch to airplane mode in cars. When traveling in a car, your phone works harder to connect to cell towers, increasing radiation. To minimize this, put your phone on airplane mode while driving.
- Use speakerphone for calls. Instead of holding the phone against your body during calls, use the speakerphone feature. Keeping your phone further away significantly reduces your exposure to EMFs.
- Avoid using your phone while charging. Phones emit more radiation while charging, so avoid using your phone while it’s plugged in. Let it charge without interaction to minimize exposure.
- Avoid using your phone in enclosed metal spaces, like elevators or metal rooms, as this forces it to work harder to maintain a connection, increasing radiation. Limit phone use in these spaces.
- Use airplane mode when streaming or downloading. Once the media has loaded, putting your phone on airplane mode reduces the radiation emitted while still allowing you to enjoy entertainment.
The story of the woman with cancer near her ear underscores just how critical it is to take the potential risks of EMF exposure seriously. We rely on our phones daily, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use them wisely. Simple changes, like those outlined above, can make a significant difference in reducing your EMF exposure and protecting your health. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take action—your health is too important.

Rethinking Smart Technology: When "Smart" Becomes Reckless
We live in an age where "smart" devices are everywhere—smartphones, smartwatches, and now even smart glasses. These gadgets promise to enhance our lives, but the hidden risks they carry with them raise a serious question: are they really as smart as we think?
With smartphones glued to our faces and smart glasses sitting directly on our heads, we're exposing ourselves to ongoing doses of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, similar to voluntarily subjecting ourselves to low-level X-rays. The irony is hard to miss—what we call "smart" may, in fact, be one of the most dangerous and careless decisions we're making for our health.
From "Smart" to Dangerous: The Problem with RF Exposure
Did you know that all iPhones and many other phones come with a built-in warning that instructs users to keep their device at least 5 mm away from the body to avoid exceeding RF exposure limits? It's right there on your phone—along with the dangers of radiation exposure from smart devices—but how many of us ever take the time to look? The manufacturers are required to provide this information, but it's often hidden in settings or safety manuals.
The dangers of RF exposure are not speculative; many studies have raised serious concerns, including links to sleep disruption, headaches, anxiety, and possible long-term neurological effects. More alarmingly, there is strong evidence suggesting that prolonged RF exposure may increase the risk of cancer. The risks are real, and we must take them seriously.
For more information on the potential dangers of RF exposure, take a moment to watch this important video: How to Reduce Exposure to Radiation from Your Phone. It provides further insight into the hidden risks we face every day with our "smart" devices.
When we dismiss these warnings, we're taking unnecessary risks with our health and the health of those around us. Is the convenience of these devices worth the long-term consequences?
You're Not Just Exposing Yourself—You're Affecting the Ones You Love
Think about this: when you're tucking your child into bed, reading them a bedtime story with your smart glasses on, your iWatch buzzing, and your phone resting nearby, you're not just enjoying a quiet moment. You're emitting RF radiation directly onto your child.
Then, when you head into your bedroom, turn on your reading light, and place your phone and smartwatch on the nightstand, the radiation doesn't stop—it's still there, filling the room, affecting both you and anyone sharing the space.
Ask yourself: Should I be doing this?
Imagine hugging your elderly parent, who may already be dealing with health issues. As you hold them close, your phone is in your pocket, your smartwatch strapped to your wrist, and your smart glasses resting on your head. You're unknowingly exposing them to RF radiation—something their compromised health may not be able to handle.
These aren't just isolated moments. These are everyday actions, where our constant use of "smart" devices means we are regularly emitting radiation, not just onto ourselves, but onto the people we care about most—our children, our partners, our aging parents.
Rethink Your Tech Habits
It's time to rethink our choices. The next time you reach for your smartphone or don your smart glasses, ask yourself: Is it worth the risk? Would you willingly hold a low-dose X-ray machine to your head every day? If not, then reconsider the way you use your tech.
These devices are powerful tools, but that doesn't mean they should become extensions of our bodies. Let's be smarter about how we use them, for the sake of our health—and our future.
And remember, you're not just making a decision for yourself. You're making a choice that affects the people around you. In the race to stay connected, let's not disconnect from the most important thing of all—our well-being.

Unmasking the Hidden Dangers: The Overlooked Link Between Gabapentin, Heavy Metals, and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Gabapentin, prescribed to millions for nerve pain, seizures, and off-label uses, has long been hailed as a "safe" option for those with chronic conditions. But behind the promises of relief lies a growing concern for those who unknowingly find themselves trapped in a cycle of worsening symptoms. Emerging evidence and personal experiences are shedding light on a deeply troubling connection: Gabapentin's role in exacerbating Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), especially when combined with heavy metal toxicity.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, a condition where exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from everyday devices like phones and Wi-Fi leads to debilitating physical reactions, is on the rise. For those taking Gabapentin, the drug's impact on the nervous system and calcium channels may be silently making this condition far worse. And when you add the effects of heavy metals in the body, the situation becomes even more dire.
Gabapentin's effect on the brain is rooted in its ability to modulate voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which regulate how cells communicate and react to external stimuli. Calcium channels are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, but when interfered with, they can make the body hypersensitive to its surroundings, including electromagnetic fields.
Heavy metals, such as mercury and aluminum, also interfere with calcium channels, further destabilizing the nervous system. The accumulation of heavy metals can exacerbate neurological symptoms, creating an environment where the body is even more reactive to EMFs. For individuals with EHS, the combined effects of Gabapentin and heavy metals can create a perfect storm of heightened sensitivity and worsening symptoms. In my case, heavy metal toxicity added another layer to the battle with Gabapentin and EHS, further amplifying my symptoms and making recovery even more challenging.
My Story: A Shocking Revelation
I was on Gabapentin for close to 35 years, originally prescribed for absence seizures that I later discovered I didn't have. Every doctor I saw asked why I was on Gabapentin, but none ever suggested I come off it—even when it became clear there was no valid reason to be on it. I was reassured that it was a harmless drug, and I believed it—until I started to connect the dots.
For years, I battled brain fog, tingling in my limbs, extreme fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia. My sensitivity to EMFs worsened dramatically over time. Adding to this, I was diagnosed with heavy metal toxicity, which made my nervous system even more vulnerable. The combination of Gabapentin's interference with calcium channels and the buildup of heavy metals created an environment where my body was constantly on edge, reacting severely to EMFs.
I spent countless hours looking for answers, but it wasn't until just a year ago that I realized the truth: Gabapentin, combined with the effects of heavy metals, was responsible for much of my suffering.
The Unseen Danger: Why So Many Are Left in the Dark
The real tragedy is that my experience isn't unique. Many individuals with EHS who take Gabapentin for unrelated conditions find themselves battling a similar invisible enemy. Doctors, trained to view Gabapentin as safe, often overlook the potential for the drug to worsen conditions like EHS. When heavy metals are also involved, the nervous system is left even more compromised. Despite this, few doctors recommend discontinuation, leaving patients to suffer in silence.
The interference with calcium channels isn't just a minor side effect—it's a fundamental disruption to how the nervous system processes the world. For those of us sensitive to EMFs and dealing with heavy metal toxicity, this disruption can mean the difference between managing our symptoms and being overwhelmed by them.
As more people discover the hidden link between Gabapentin, heavy metal toxicity, and EHS, it's crucial to raise awareness about the dangers of long-term use. For those already sensitive to EMFs, Gabapentin may worsen symptoms in ways that are both difficult to identify and difficult to explain. If you're on Gabapentin and struggling with unexplained fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, or increased sensitivity to EMFs, it's time to question whether the drug and possibly heavy metals might be part of the problem.
Understanding this connection can be the first step in reclaiming control over your health. The journey off Gabapentin is challenging, but by addressing this silent disruptor and dealing with heavy metal detoxification, there's hope for those dealing with both the horrors of EHS and the long-term effects of Gabapentin.
The truth is, the solution to your worsening symptoms might not be more medication or a new diagnosis—it might be the one pill you've been taking for years, compounded by the silent buildup of heavy metals in your system.

Strong Warning: New Water Meters Could Impact Your Health if You Have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Water companies are increasingly installing new water meters that use wireless technology to transmit data. While this may offer convenience, these meters can pose serious health risks for individuals with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). Even if the meter isn’t specifically labeled “smart,” it can still emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs), potentially triggering symptoms in those sensitive to EMFs.
Even non-smart meters emit EMFs during monthly data collection. Water companies often send trucks to activate all nearby meters for about 15 minutes each month, causing them to emit EMFs. For those with EHS, this brief exposure can lead to significant discomfort, including headaches, dizziness, and other neurological symptoms.
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
1. Insist on Opting Out: Be persistent about opting out of the new meter installation. You have the right to protect your health. Many individuals with EHS have successfully opted out by firmly requesting to keep their old, non-EMF-emitting meters. Don’t let pressure from the water company deter you.
2. Request Non-Emitting Meters: Non-EMF-emitting meters are still available. Contact your water company and inform them that you are opting out of the new meter. Request one of these safer, non-emitting alternatives to minimize your exposure.
3. Minimize Exposure: Even if you have a non-emitting meter, your neighbors may still have EMF-emitting ones. During monthly readings, the utility company’s equipment may activate nearby meters, causing them to emit EMFs. If possible, find out when these readings occur and consider leaving your home during that 15-minute period to reduce exposure.
4. Be Persistent: Your health should always be a priority. Regardless of the pressure or information from the water company, continue to advocate for your right to a safer environment.
Water companies, such as EPCOR, often reassure customers by stating that AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) meters use radio frequencies in the microwave range of 450 MHz – 2.4 GHz. This is the same range used by Wi-Fi routers, laptops, cell phones, cordless phones, and other household devices that communicate wirelessly. According to the water company, AMR meters create significantly less microwave emissions because they only transmit small amounts of data for very short durations, unlike other household devices that frequently transmit when powered on or in use. They also argue that the power of emitted radio signals drops off exponentially with distance, suggesting that meters mounted outside the home cause less exposure than wireless devices inside the home, like cell phones and laptops, which are often used close to the body.
For individuals with EHS, these assurances are often inadequate. Even small, intermittent EMF emissions can trigger symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and cognitive issues. Many EHS sufferers have invested significant time and resources into remediating their homes to create safe environments, free from EMF exposure. The introduction of these new meters can disrupt this safe space, leading to health setbacks and distress.
Your Health Comes First
It's essential to stay informed and proactive about these changes. Don’t accept the installation of new meters without fully understanding their impact, especially if you have EHS. Take action to opt out, request non-emitting alternatives, and protect your well-being. Your health is worth fighting for.
The Hidden Dangers of EMF Exposure and Screen Time for Children: A Growing Concern
Technology is a big part of our lives now, and it's almost impossible to escape screens—from the tablets our kids use at home to the devices they interact with at school. But as these devices become more common, we need to take a closer look at how they might be affecting our children. Recent research is raising serious concerns about the impact of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from digital devices, especially when it comes to our kids' cognitive development, emotional health, and the potential onset of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS).
A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics is sounding the alarm on a troubling connection between early tablet use and emotional outbursts in kids. Researchers tracked 315 preschoolers over three years and found that kids who started using tablets at 3.5 years old were more likely to show higher levels of anger and frustration by age 4.5. Even more concerning, the study found that these emotional issues could lead to increased tablet use by the time they're 5.5 years old. This cycle suggests that the more time kids spend on screens early on, the harder it might be for them to learn how to manage their emotions naturally, leading to an even greater reliance on these devices.
Dr. Leana Wen, a CNN wellness expert and emergency physician, highlights that kids need to develop their natural ability to handle emotions. When we use tablets or other devices to calm them down, they miss out on critical opportunities to learn self-regulation, which could lead to persistent behavioral issues as they grow up.
While this study focuses on the behavioral side of screen time, it's also crucial to consider how EMF exposure from these devices might be making things worse. EHS is a condition where people report symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and emotional disturbances in response to EMF exposure. The symptoms of EHS and the emotional challenges seen in the study overlap, suggesting that EMF exposure could be contributing to these behavioral problems.
Children, with their developing brains and nervous systems, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of EMFs. Prolonged exposure during these critical developmental periods could contribute to or worsen conditions like EHS, potentially leading to increased emotional volatility, as we're seeing in the study.
The impact of too much screen time and EMF exposure isn't just about social media use—it's about the sheer amount of time our kids are spending on these devices. Whether they're playing games, watching videos, or using educational apps, extended screen time can take a toll on their mental health. Research shows that too much time on devices is linked to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and sleep problems in teens. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has even warned about the dangers of excessive device use, highlighting its potential to contribute to mental health issues like depression and self-harm.
When kids and teens spend too much time on digital devices, they're not only exposed to potentially harmful EMFs but are also missing out on crucial physical activities and real-life social interactions. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and unhappiness, further fueling mental health struggles.
What Can Parents Do?
Given the potential risks, here are some practical steps parents can take to protect their kids:
- Limit Screen Time: Set clear rules around screen use, especially for younger children. Encourage activities that involve real-world social interactions and help kids learn to manage their emotions.
- Create EMF-Free Zones: Consider designating certain areas of your home, like bedrooms, as EMF-free zones to reduce exposure during important rest and development periods.
- Remove Technology from Bedrooms: Keep TVs, gaming consoles, and cell phones out of the bedroom to promote better sleep and reduce EMF exposure.
- Model Responsible Device Use: Show your kids what balanced and mindful device use looks like by practicing it yourself.
- Educate and Communicate: Talk to your kids about the potential risks of too much screen time and EMF exposure, and explain why moderation is key.
- Consult Professionals: If your child is showing ongoing behavioral issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to a pediatrician or child psychologist to get to the root of the problem and find effective solutions.
- Get Outside: Encourage outdoor activities like hiking, playing, and grounding themselves in nature as a great way to reduce stress and exposure to EMFs.
The bottom line is that the amount of time our kids are spending on devices needs our attention. By being proactive and aware, we can help safeguard their emotional and mental health, ensuring they develop the skills they need to manage their emotions in healthy, constructive ways.

Trapped in a World of Pain: The Agonizing Isolation of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Understanding what it's like to live with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) can be a challenge for those who don't experience it firsthand. It's not just a vague concept; it's a daily struggle that consumes every aspect of life. Imagine waking up each morning, knowing that simply stepping outside your door exposes you to a world filled with invisible threats that could wreak havoc on your health.
Everyday tasks that most people take for granted become monumental challenges for those with EHS. Going to the gym, grabbing groceries, meeting friends for a drink, or enjoying a night out all come with the risk of encountering electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that trigger debilitating symptoms. Even the most basic devices like cell phones and watches become off-limits, turning once-simple conveniences into sources of pain.
Employment becomes a minefield as well. If your job doesn't offer remote work options, you're left with the daunting prospect of navigating a workspace filled with electronic devices that could worsen your symptoms. Even if remote work is an option, the feeling of isolation can persist if your colleagues and manager are working face-to-face, leaving you out of the loop and disconnected from the team.
Socializing becomes a carefully orchestrated affair, with gatherings only possible in EMF-free environments, usually the homes of understanding friends who are willing to make accommodations. Yet, even these spaces may not provide complete safety.
Simple activities like commuting become logistical nightmares. Getting into a car means ensuring all Bluetooth and wireless devices are turned off, while public transportation options are often off-limits due to the pervasive presence of EMF-emitting technology. Traveling becomes nearly impossible, as planes and hotels are filled with Wi-Fi and people using cell phones, exacerbating symptoms and limiting your ability to explore the world and live your life fully.
Living in densely populated areas amplifies these challenges, as every building and every neighbor's home is saturated with EMF-emitting devices. Even the presence of something as seemingly innocuous as an electric dog fence nearby can pose a threat to your well-being, highlighting the pervasive nature of EMFs in our modern world.
But the challenges don't end there. Relationships strained by misunderstandings, financial burdens from managing EHS, and the toll on mental health add layers of complexity to an already difficult situation. Loved ones may struggle to understand the condition, leading to feelings of isolation and alienation. Healthcare providers, often unfamiliar with EHS, may dismiss symptoms or offer ineffective treatments, further exacerbating the sense of frustration and hopelessness. Some doctors may incorrectly tell you that you'll never get better and that you need to create a life that includes being stuck in your home, leaving you feeling hopeless and alone.
It's a harsh reality that many of us face, trapped in a world where our bodies react negatively to the electromagnetic radiation that surrounds us. Whether it's ourselves, a family member, or a friend, the impact of EHS is undeniable and cannot be dismissed.
The pain and suffering endured by those with EHS is profound and often misunderstood. It's a constant battle against an invisible enemy, affecting every aspect of life. We need to cultivate empathy and understanding for those facing this daily struggle. It's time to advocate for safer technology and environments, ensuring that everyone's health and well-being are prioritized and protected.
But amidst this darkness, there is hope. I know firsthand the journey from living in complete darkness, with all breakers in the house off, to now living a life free from EMF challenges. For me, it's been a five-year journey. It's a reminder to never give up hope. In the interim, we need support from the outside world, especially our friends and family, and tech companies who believe this is progress. It is not. It is hurting our children, our spouses, our family members. It is time to reassess if this progress is smart or debilitating. Together, let's work towards a future where everyone's health and well-being are valued and protected.